Wednesday, December 7, 2016

University of Virginia

University of Virginia is a highly renowned public institution that was founded in 1819. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 16,736, It is one of the most historic universities in the USA , founded by Thomas  Jefferson.UNESCO has  designated UVA as America's first and only collegiate World Heritage Site.UVA is known for its historic foundations, student-run honor code, It is located in the small town of Charlottesville. Most undergraduates start ndecided but move into a major by their sophomore year. .UVA’s graduate schools include the highly ranked Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, Curry School of Education, School of Engineering and Applied Science, School of Law and School of Medicine.
 Virginia   is one of the most selective public schools in the USA with an acceptance rate of 30%

 The appliation requires 2 supplementary essays as follows:

1.    We are looking for passionate students to join our diverse community of scholars, researchers, and artists.  Answer the question that corresponds to the school/program to which you are applying in a half page or roughly 250 words.
  • College of Arts and Sciences - What work of art, music, science, mathematics, or literature has surprised, unsettled, or challenged you, and in what way?
  • School of Engineering and Applied Sciences - If you were given funding for a small engineering project that would make everyday life better for one friend or family member, what would you do?
  • School of Architecture - Describe an instance or place where you have been inspired by architecture or design.
  • School of Nursing - Discuss experiences that led you to choose the School of Nursing.
  • Kinesiology Program - Discuss experiences that led you to choose the kinesiology major.
Answer this in detail, look up   current projects at Virginia and mention labs and faculty by name.  Explain why these  projects excite you. Do keep thongs Specific to  Virginia  and Vharlottesville.

 For example if applyong to a business management program  mention that the resources at Darden are a very appealing factor.  talk about specifics such as Darden's  excellent program in Entrepreneurship and  how   Virginia's Computer Science department has led to a small cluster of startups and ventutre capital firms locally.

2. Answer one of the following questions in a half page or roughly 250 words.
  • What’s your favorite word and why?
  • We are a community with quirks, both in language and in traditions. Describe one of your quirks and why it is part of who you are.
  • Student self-governance, which encourages student investment and initiative, is a hallmark of the UVA culture. In her fourth year at UVA, Laura Nelson was inspired to create Flash Seminars, one-time classes which facilitate high-energy discussion about thought-provoking topics outside of traditional coursework. If you created a Flash Seminar, what idea would you explore and why?
  • UVA students paint messages on Beta Bridge when they want to share information with our community. What would you paint on Beta Bridge and why is this your message?
   Be cfreative with this answer. A quirky or geeky trait is something to be proud of.  Talk of your interests and hobbiesThis could be something as  simple as being complettely coffee obsessed or as complex as   describing your interests in aeromodeling.
 Avoid talking about  issues  which many people have strong conflicting viewpoints such as politics or religion.

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