Friday, December 2, 2016

Colorado College

 Colorado College is a   medium sized liberal arts college   located neat Colorado Springs.
 Colorado is a very academic  campus and  emphasis    a socratic  discussion based model of  teaching.
 Colorado College follows a unique "block plan" in which students study one subject for three and a half-week "blocks", which advocates say allows for more lab time, for research and study in the field, more intensive learning experiences and fewer distractions. Blocks are only three weeks long during the summer session, during which there are also graduate blocks of differing lengths. In parallel with the students, professors teach only one block at a time. Classes are generally capped at 25 students (32 for two professors) to encourage a more personalized academic experience.
 Located at the foot of the Rockies , Colorado is a very "outdoorsy" campus with several hiking and biking clubs.  Volunteerism is another student body focus: All first-year students complete a four-day service trip before freshman year, and students run an on-campus soup kitchen for the local poor on Sundays.
 Admission to Colorado is very competitove with an acceptance rate  of just 17%.

 In addition to the regular essays on the Common Application , you will need to complete two brief supplemental essays as part of your application to Colorado College. Those questions are:
  • How did you learn about Colorado College and why do you wish to attend? (no more than 500 words)
  • The Block Plan at Colorado College has a tradition of innovation and flexibility. Please design your own three-and-a-half week course and describe what you would do. (no more than 500 words)
Pleaes research details of the block system before  answering this.  My own personal choice would be a course on either  neural networks or  Cyberpunk literature.

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