Thursday, December 1, 2016

Tufts University

 Tufts is a  medium sized research university in the suburban Boston area.   Its relative small size ( 1around 5000 undergraduates)  and  strong humanities and social sciences programs  gives it the feel of a liberal arts campus rather than a research university.Tufts is comprised of the School of Arts and Sciences; the School of Engineering, which serves both undergraduate and graduate students; and a number of graduate and professional schools.
 Students on campu tend to be very  involved  with  various clubs and events. 
The university emphasizes active citizenship and public service in all of its discipline and is known for its internationalism and study abroad programs. Among its schools is the United States' oldest graduate school of international relations, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.


 Tufts  application is quite involved as one would expect from a top  ranked university ( #32)
 There are three short  answer questions as below:

Short Responses (Required of all Applicants)
Think outside the box as you answer the following questions.  Take a risk and go somewhere unexpected.  Be serious if the moment calls for it but feel comfortable being playful if that suits you, too.
  1. Which aspects of Tufts’ curriculum or undergraduate experience prompt your application? In short: “Why Tufts?” (50–100 words)
  2. There is a Quaker saying: “Let your life speak.” Describe the environment in which you were raised – your family, home, neighborhood, or community – and how it influenced the person you are today. (200–250 words) 
  3. Now we’d like to know a little bit more about you.  Please respond to one of the following six questions (200-250 words). Students applying to the School of Arts and Sciences or the School of Engineering should select from prompts A-E. Students applying to the SMFA at Tufts' BFA program or the Five-Year BFA + BA/BS Combined Degree program must answer prompt F:

    A) Nelson Mandela believed that "what counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.  It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead."  Describe a way in which you have made or hope to make a difference.
    B) It's cool to be smart. Tell us about the subjects or ideas that excite your intellectual curiosity.

    C) Whether you've built blanket forts or circuit boards, produced community theater or mixed media art installations, tell us: what have you invented, engineered, created, or designed? Or what do you hope to?

    D) What makes you happy?

    E) Celebrate the role of sports in your life.

    F) Artist Bruce Nauman once said: "One of the factors that still keeps me in the studio is that every so often I have to more or less start all over." Everyone deals with failure differently; for most artists failure is an opportunity to start something new. Tell us about a time when you have failed and how that has influenced your art practice.  

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