Sunday, September 6, 2015

Supplementary Essays for Chicago

 Supplementary Essays for   Chicago 

 The last post discussed the university of Chicago application..
 The essays are a  your opportunity to  showcase  how you  fit the Chicago culture.
 The first topic is 

Question 1 (Required):

How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.

Question 1 (Required):

How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.
 One key  factor for many students is   that  you will  get a great education in any subject at Chicago but the focus is not on learning a professional skill but on learning how to think. Because of Chicago's strengths in  both social  and physical sciences   this is where you need to mention any intersrt in   any interdisciplinary subjects. Do mention and quote any particular research you may be aware of. For example - researchers are building computational models of how children  acquire new vocabulary - what implications are there for education in the way we  teach   children.

 The second essay is optional  and should be used to  discuss  the cultural influences that have affected the way you think. Talk about your  favorite books, movies  and music and  try to  identify a common thread that runs through them. It is  a good idea to  link thes to your acdemic interests.  For example the novel Salmon Fishingin thed Yemen by Paul Torday  raies issues of Ethics in Environmental  Engineering and Chicago is one of the few schools where  you  could learn more about such issues from  an zengineering viewpoint, a public policy viewpoint sas well as a purely philosophical stance.

Question 2 (Optional):

Share with us a few of your favorite books, poems, authors, films, plays, pieces of music, musicians, performers, paintings, artists, blogs, magazines, or newspapers. Feel free to touch on one, some, or all of the categories listed, or add a category of your own.
Share with us a few of your favorite books, poems, authors, films, plays, pieces of music, musicians, performers, paintings, artists, blogs, magazines, or newspapers. Feel free to touch on one, some, or all of the categories listed, or add a category of your own
 The  extended essays are required  and    should be used to  talk about your interests and passions-outside of class This will  give the admissions committee a better idea of you as a person  and is a way to show that you take your hobbies as seriously s your academics.
 Lets look at the first option.

Essay Option 1.

Orange is the new black, fifty’s the new thirty, comedy is the new rock ‘n’ roll, ____ is the new ____. What’s in, what’s out, and why is it being replaced?
—Inspired by Payton Weidenbacher, Class of 2015
Here is my attempt  writing this  -
 I think  Germany is the new Brazil  at least from the viewpoint of a football(soccer) fan.    I have been a soccer fan since  childhood. As a child I lived in four different countries and changed over 10 schools before finishing high school. Football  was always a common l interest  through which I made some of my closest friends. Always a good team, Germany was known for being organised, efficient and methodical while  Brazil was the  creative and more exciting team. Germany is currently playing with the flair  and free flowing   creativity that has long been considered the hallmark of the   Brazilian team.  In my opinion this change has come  to pass as Germany has  incorporated more and more multicultural players in their team. The recent world cup winning team featured players of Arab, Turkish, Polish and even  Ghanaian origin. The 7-1 victory  over  Brazil in 2014 announced Germany  replacing Brazil  as the premier football team internationally.

To avail of clear sky education services for your University of Chicago  application - send me email at

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