Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hidden Gems

Hidden Gems

 When it comes to selecting colleges too apply to, far too many students do not look beyond the top 20 ranked  schools. However the admission rates are very low (often even often in single digits) There are several excellent universities that provide a great education and the acceptance rate is above 30%. Lets look for these "hidden gems". There are many great colleges which   have higher acceptance rates they  get a smaller volume of applications.

 Thee are schools where the students are looking for  an intellectually demanding experience.  The students  are not there for the weather,football or the parties but because  the were attracted by the academics.

 Often some programs are perceived as  undesirable because the location  is seen as dull or  the lack of a hyperactive  party culture
  • Case Western Reserve University is an excellent school for students interested in Engineering, science and pre-med  programs. It has a "learn by doing ethic" and looks for students who like to get there hands dirt. It is located   in the heart of Cleveland which has an unfair reputation of being a dull city.  As students tend to be academic and career focused there is less interest in  parties but nonetheless  a tight sense of community. Admission rates at case  are about 40%. It is  a program I strongly recommend.
 Some other schools that are "flying under the radar" are:
  •  Miami  University
  • College of Wooster
  • University of Delaware
  • Allegheny College
  • Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Trinity College
  • Sewanee College of the South
  • Reed College

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