Monday, September 21, 2015

Get your Essay ready

Get your Essay ready

End September  is a good time to complete your main common ap essay.
 I have covered the essay
each essay option individually  in previous posts, you can see them here

 By now you should have a well thought   outline of your essay. 

 Do show your essay to   people for feedback, Your teachers, counselor,  family, friends- basically people who know you well.  Listen to all the feedback but you need not incorporate it all.  Make sure your essay never your  your sense of identity.  Retain your individual voice.
 Her are some final tips for the essay:
1, Be memorable -    tell an interesting story. Ideally when the admissions team  is  welcoming you to campus next fall,   they should remember  you as the student who  had that crazy story.
2. Be direct  -  stick to the word limit, use your words carefully
3. Be yourself -   Be honest  and tak about your world in your voice. Dont try to be  the "ideal" candidate" and swrite in a tone that is not yours. If you are a natural cynic- its better to write an open honest essay celebrating   your  viewpoint rather trying to fake being an optimist
4. Be focused - Don't repeat information already included elsewhere in your application.
5. And most important - Be  professional.  Proofread , edit,  Repeat this process -  a sloppy error  filed essay is  the clearest way to show  that you are not serious. If this is a weakness for you seek help.

 Early Applications are due in  40 days.  You have one last shot at the  standardized tests.  Yu will need to write several supplementary essays for  each university.

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