Monday, August 31, 2015

Liberal Arts Colleges

Liberal Arts Colleges

At the other end of the spectrum from the large research universities , you have the liberal arts colleges. Faculty at liberal arts colleges typically do not have many research commitments and as a result are entirely focused on  teaching.  Classes are also taught in  a seminar style rather than lectures Its not unusual for faculty to   take great   interest in their classes and students. Classwork often involves  independant or group project work  and grading is based around one's   involvement in the class rather than mere test performance.

 These are often in suburban or rural locations which means that  even social life  is centered on the campus.   As a result  students form very tight bonds with each other.

 There is a criticism  that  liberal arts colleges   do not teach students  job skills but  a good liberal arts education will  teach you how to think critically and how to communicate and work with others which are skills that  come in useful  in many professions. Many liberal arts students choose to go to gtaduate school for a doctorate after graduation.

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