Monday, August 17, 2015

'Common App essay Option #3

'Common App essay  Option #3

 /The  third common app option is:

#3: Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?

 Yet another open ended question asking for an introspective answer.
 Make sure you respond to all aspects of the question:

  •    a time you challenged a belief or idea
  •  what prompted you to act
  •  would you do it again

 This essay is  a good way for you to talk about your beliefs  and ideas. Ideally this should  give the reader a window into one of your core personal values.
 The    answer to the "dop it again" component need  not be yes- sometimes challenging an idea can  can be too time-consuming or  result in a personal cost.

 topics to avoid:
  •  stay away from political  and/or religious beliefs
  •   Make sure you dont convey an impression of being a self-righteous   know-it -all, who is  trying to convert people to his viewpoint.

 Again the essay needs to focus on your values and beliefs anfd not the background story.
 If the reader does not learn something  new and unexpected about you  after reading your essay , you have not  taken full advantage of the  nature of this topic.

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