Monday, August 31, 2015

Comprehensive Research Universities

Comprehensive Research Universities

  Most students aspire to go to a large comprehensive research university.   Most of the top ranked universities are comprehensive research  focused institutions. 

 These institutions often have over 10,000 students and cannot offer the same individual attention that a small liberal arts college can. However , a large research institution gives  its students  unparalleled access to  new technologies and  opportunities to gt involved in  research.  For example, many students already have access to 3D printers.

 One needs a different mindset to  get the most out of a big university.   With 20,000 students around,  you are bound to find others who share your interests , no matter how quirky. You need to  get out  and find peopple who share your interests. There is bound to  be a club  for people who share your hobby. If there is not- start the club yourself.

Also at a big university  you have to keep in mind that the faculty is primarily focused on their research. You have to  work  to develop a relationship with your teachers - a good way is to take interest in their research projects .

 On the whole, big research universities  are undoubtedly  some of the best educational options available.

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