Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Common App essay Option #5

Common App essay  Option #5

 The  fifth  and final common app option is:
Option #5: Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.

 On the surface this  appears to be  one of the more basic prompts as there are only   no subparts.
 However keep in mind  that maturity is a process and rarely a single discreet event.  You can discuss the process of  growth that led to some  accomplishment.

 What a admission officer will look for in this will be   a honest , introspective essay  which will ideally showcase the student as a mature , young  adult ready  for  the intellectual challenges of college.

 Some topics to avoid-

  •  the hero story,   winning a big match or staring in a important performance does not automatically transform you into an adult
 the " coming of age" ceremony, be  it a bar mitzvah or a  Hindu  thread ceremony,   Going through a  ceremony does not change  you  intellectually  or confer  genuine adulthood  status.

 It is better to talk about an accomplishment,  in which you matured and transformed by taking on adult responsibilities.  It goes without saying that Honesty is a key  aspect of any essay on this  prompt.

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