Sunday, December 27, 2015

Seasons Greeting and Last Minute Advice

 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to  all my readers.

 With just a week left , here is some last minute advice

1. Do not Copy/Paste  your  supplementary essays.   Many follow a standard  " why are you  interested in your major and why at our university?"  prompt.
 spend 15 minutes on each universities web site and look up a few details unique to  each school.

  A copy/paste essay is quite easy to spot and it   only serves to tell the admissions team that you are being lazy and do not  want to spend a few minutes to  research the school.  A sure way of   getting rejected.
2. Do not apply to too many schools.  15 should be your upper limit. Count multicampus  institutions as  UC as 1 for simplicity.

  everyone involved in college  applications is looking forward to a long weekend on Jan 1-3.
 I hope yiu take some time to relax and I mean really relax before resuming  your regular life.

 Wishing  everyone a happy new year in advance.


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