Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Notre Dame application

 The University of  Notre Dame i s arguable the best Catholic school in the USA.   It is  Located in South Bend, Indiana, about an hour a half from Chicago, it is considered to be one of the most scenic campuses.
 Notre Dame has strong undergraduate programs in the Arts and Sciences, Business and Engineering.
  rather uniquely , the architecture program in housed in a separate college.
 Notre Dame  fosters a very strong school spirit  partly centered on its  renowned football program.

 there is a strong sense of social responsibility and the  Mendoza busines school even stresses the importance of   "doing good in business".

Please provide a response between 150 and 200 words to the following question (required).

·         What excites you about attending Notre Dame?
Please select two of the following five prompts and provide a response between 150 and 200 words to each. 
·         Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President Emeritus of the University of Notre Dame, served as a trusted adviser to U.S. presidents and popes. A champion for human rights, Fr. Hesburgh was one of the architects of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Reflect on the current state of civil rights, the progress that has been made, or the problems still being faced today.·         What question fascinates you? Tell us why.
·         What’s broken, and how would you fix it?
·         Blessed Basil Moreau, the founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, described education as “the art of helping young people to completeness.” How are you incomplete?
Identify a recent Facebook post, Tweet, text, Instagram photo, Snap, blog post, or WeChat post of yours. What does it reveal about you and your digital footprint

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